100 Ballade, Rondeaux & Virelais

100 Ballade, Rondeaux and Virelais

15 Examples from the book

100 Ballade, Rondeaux and Virelais From the late Middle Ages

By Nigel Wilkins 

I have recently read this book, was a useful look into the world of Formes fixes.  These were poetic forms that were also linked to music, almost exclusively in the early 14th century but then towards the end and into the 15th century pulling away into a primarily music less form.  They were centred around three main forms (although there were variations right from the beginning) which dictated the music and poetic lines.  The names of the forms are as above Ballade, Rondeaux and Virelais.  These forms were also shadowed to some extent in Italy, but were known in the French circle of influence, which included England and the low countries.

At the end of the book are given 15 examples of the music that went with 15 of the poems.  In order to get a sense of them I produced a dorico version of the pieces from the music provided and have created this page to show the result and to help others who are interested in this sound world to get a flavour of the music, which is great.  Enjoy, plus let me know what you think.

Example 1

1 Ballade  by Jehan De Lescurel 

Example 2

4 Rondeau  by Jehan De Lescurel

Example 3

5 Virelai  by Jehan De Lescurel

Example 4

11 Ballade  by Guillaume De Machaut

Example 5

16 Ballade  by Guillaume De Machaut

Example 6

17 and 18 Double Ballade  by Guillaume De Machaut

Example 7

21 Rondeau  by Guillaume De Machaut

Example 8

24 Virelai by Guillaume De Machaut

Example 9

26 Ballade  by P. Des Molins

Example 10

29 Ballade  by P. De Caserta

Example 11

31 Ballade  by J. Senleches

Example 12

32 Rondeau  by Anonymous

Example 13

34 Virelai  by Grimace

Example 14

82 Rondeau  by Guillaume Dufay

Example 15

85 Rondeau  J. Legrant

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