Pieces 1 to 10
Pieces 1 to 10
Part book Project
1 Benedictus
This piece is by Heinrich Isaac (c. 1450 – 26 March 1517) a Netherland composer.
Although this would originally have had words and been sung there were no words so I have arranged it for string trio.
String Score Violin Viola Cello
2 Fortune esperee
This piece is anonymous but is after a piece by Antoine Busnois (also Busnoys) (c. 1430 – 6 November 1492)
I have set this as it is with the words, and also as a wind arrangement.
Choir Score Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
Wind Score Flute Oboe Clarinet Bassoon
3 Allez regretz
This piece is by Hayne van Ghizeghem (c. 1445 – 1476 to 1497)
I have set this as it is with the words, and also as a brass arrangement.
Choir Score Alto Tenor Bass
Brass Score Trumpet French Horn Trombone
4 En frolyk weson
This piece is by Jacobus Barbireau (also Jacques or Jacob; also Barbirianus) (1455 – 7 August 1491)
I have set this as it is with the words, and also as a brass arrangement.
Choir Score Alto Tenor Bass
Brass Score Trumpet French Horn Trombone
There are 2 more verses, but the task of putting them into the score is really difficult, as you will see if you have a go: En frolyk weson verses 2-3
5 La my
This piece is by Heinrich Isaac (c. 1450 – 26 March 1517) a Netherland composer.
There are no words so I have set it for wind quartet.
Wind Score Oboe French Horn Bassoon 1 Bassoon 2
6 Fa la sol
This piece is by William Cornysh the Younger (also spelled Cornyshe or Cornish) (1465 – October 1523)
There are no words so I have set it for wind trio.
Wind Score Oboe French Horn Bassoon
7 Pastime with good company
This piece is the first of many by Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547)
I have set it for Choir and a version for wind trio.
Choir Full Alto Tenor Bass
Wind Score Oboe Bassoon 1 Bassoon 2
7A Pastime with good company
Choir Score Alto Tenor Bass
8 Adieu mes amours
This piece is by William Cornysh the Younger (also spelled Cornyshe or Cornish) (1465 – October 1523)
I have set it for Choir and a version for wind Quartet.
Choir Score Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
Wind Score Oboe Clarinet French Horn Bassoon
9 Adieu madame et ma maistresse
This piece is by Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547)
I have set it for Choir and a version for wind Quartet.
Choir Score Alto 1 Alto 2 Tenor Bass
Wind Score Oboe Clarinet French Horn Bassoon
9A Time to pass with goodly sport
Another version of this piece with English words by Anonymous.
Choir Score Alto Tenor Bass
Brass Score Trumpet French Horn Trombone
Wind Score Oboe French Horn Bassoon
10 Helas madame
This piece is by Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547)